2019年7月30日 星期二

香港佔中事件分析與美國佔領一個國家的12個步驟 (12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations)

香港佔中事件分析與美國佔領一個國家的12個步驟 【終極版】


  1. 派中情局、MI6等情報人員,以留學生、遊客、義工、商人、記者的身份,進入目標國家。
  2. 以人道目標為理由,開設「民主」、「人權」為主旨的非政府機構(NGO),同時招攬一些崇尚自由及理想的人。
  3. 在當地招攬一些叛徒,尤其是學者、政客、記者、軍人等,可以是賄賂方式,或是找出他們的罪證,以控制他們。
  4. 如果目標國家有工會勢力,就會以金錢收買他們。
  5. 為革命創作並選擇一種象徵顏色或鮮明口號,例如1968年的布拉格之春、1989東歐的天鵝絨革命、2003年格魯吉亞的玫瑰革命、2005年黎巴嫩的雪杉革命、烏克蘭的橙色革命、伊朗的綠色革命、茉莉花革命、阿拉伯之春,甚至香港的雨傘革命。
  6. 以不同名義開始示威,從而展開革命運動。示威的名義可以是人權、民主、政府腐敗、選舉舞弊等。不需要尋出證據,只需要找到藉口便可以。
  7. 以英語寫上抗議標語,好讓美國人能看見,這樣,就能夠使到美國政客及平民開始發出呼聲。
  8. 讓之前所收買的政客、知識分子、公會領袖等加入示威,並且,號召所有對政府不滿意的人加入。
  9. 美國及歐洲的主流傳媒配合,不斷強調這場革命是因為各種不公平所導致,因而獲得大多數人的支持。
  10. 當全世界也注視,就製造偽旗行動,拍攝人民被打壓的影像,以動搖目標政府,令政府失去人民的支持。
  11. 派出一些引發暴亂的演員,以武力挑釁警方,逼使警方使用武力鎮壓,這樣就可以使這個政府失去其他國家的支持,被國際社會認為是「非法政權」。
  12. 運用政客到美國、歐盟、聯合國等地方陳情,使到目標政府受到國際經濟制裁、設立禁飛區、甚至協助空襲及供應武器給叛軍。

香港佔中事件分析與美國佔領一個國家的12個步驟 (國際版)
Video: Occupy Central: 12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations

12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations

The “Occupy Central” movement has provided clues to Freemasonry’false-flag operations that have been applied to other countries hungry for democracyBefore telling you the complete story, let’s take a look at the  way the US has made itself the World Police to maintain the world order – a 12-step procedure.

1) Dispatch CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6) and other intelligence officers as students, tourists, volunteers, businessmen, reporters to the target country.

2) Set up non-governmental organizations (NGO) under the guise of humanitarianism to fight for "democracy" and "human rights" in order to attract advocates of freedom and ideals.

3) Attract local traitors, especially academics, politicians, reporters, soldiers, etc., through bribery or threaten those who have some stain in their life.

4) If the target country has labor unions, bribe them.

5) Pick a catchy theme or color for the revolution. Examples include Prague Spring (1968), Velvet Revolution (Eastern Europe, 1989), Rose Revolution (Georgia, 2003), Cedar Revolution (Lebanon, 2005), Orange Revolution (Ukraine), Green Revolution (Iran), Jasmine Revolution, Arab Spring, and even 
Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution.

6) Start protests for whatever reasons to kick off the revolution. It could be human rights, democracy, government corruption or electoral fraud. Evidence isn't necessary; an excuse will do.

7) Write protest signs and banners in English to let Americans see and get American politicians and civilians involved.

8) Let those corrupted politicians, intellectuals and union leaders join the protests, and call upon all people with grievances to join.

9) The US and Europe mainstream media help continuously emphasize that the revolution is caused by injustice, thereby gaining the support of the majority.

10) When the whole world is watching, stage a false-flag operation. Fake an atrocity on the protesters. The target government will soon be destabilized and lose support among its people.

11) Add in violent agent provocateurs to provoke the police to use force. This will cause the target government to lose the support of other countries and become “delegitimized” by the international community.

12) Send politicians to the US, EU, UN to petition, so that the target government will face the threat of economic sanctions, no-fly zones, and even air strikes and an armed rebel uprising.

「致 ‧ 小島裡的家人們」MV 全片


共和與民主的意義 (佔中事件分析)


1.  ziondaily
2.2010 - 2012 恩膏引擎全力開動!!

# Occupy Central
# 12 Steps by US to Overthrow Nations

